Ehud’s Sword is a series of theological articles written to get to the bottom of common misconceptions in today’s church.

If you’re familiar with the judge Ehud perhaps you’ll get the joke (particularly about what his sword cut through…)

Where is God’s presence?

Over the summer I was invited to preach at a couple of churches. This was a great privilege and I pray that my words helped people in their walk with God. One worry that struck me though just before the service was what should I wear as I stand at the front?

A number of people informed me that I should be myself, whilst others suggested I should wear a suit either because I was in a ‘holy place’ or that my taste in “novelty tshirts” was embarrassing! In the end I went with the classic jeans and shirt approach – casual but smart.

One possible choice from my wardrobe...
One possible choice from my wardrobe…

Rummaging through the proverbial clothes pile of advice, I discovered an underlying question behind some of  the comments and potentially behind my initial worry…


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