The right kind of people (1 Timothy 2)

1 Timothy
1 Timothy
The right kind of people (1 Timothy 2)

Since Paul’s day, there are many more churches. You might think that his dream is being realised.

And even if we take into account that not all churches teach the Bible, there are many that do. So is that job done? Can we close 1 Timothy and carry on as is?

Hold your horses – Paul says. There’s more to being a church than simply teaching the Bible. In fact, how you behave matters too.

Why care how a church behaves?

The answer is because our actions display God’s plan for the world. Listen in to find out more.

Any questions or comments can be sent to [email protected].

This was preached at Christ Church Hemel on 13th February 2022.

To catch up on the rest of this series, visit our archive!

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